
Organizational Leaders


Presiding Bishop and Patriarch 

Russell McClanahan

Many know him as a spiritual father, empathetic pastor, wise counselor, trusted friend, and devoted family man. He is a diplomatic ambassador, an outstanding communicator of God's truth, and a bridge-builder. He is Archbishop Dr. Russell McClanahan (or Bishop Russ as he prefers to be called), the Presiding Bishop of the EEC and president of Evangelical Episcopal University.

From his earliest years, God was uniquely preparing Bp. Russ for ministry by placing him in situations and connecting him with people that would shape his character and direct the course of his life and ministry. Growing up in a solid evangelical background, he was introduced to Christ, Son of God and Sin-bearer. He was taught a reverence for Holy Scripture and learned the joys of Christian service through participation in outreach ministries to the poor living close to his home in the Appalachian mountains. "It was there that I received my moral compass," he remarks.

At the age of 17, he accepted Christ as his Saviour and Lord in his hometown church. Immediately he felt God's call to ministry and became licensed to preach in the Methodist Church. At age 18 he accepted his first student pastorate in the Methodist Church in Paint Lick, KY. In the following years, he continued to minister through church planting, overseas mission work, holding evangelistic crusades, and finding opportunities to share the truth and love of Christ in a counseling setting. During this time, he pursued his education, receiving his BA from Kentucky Wesleyan College, M. Div from Garrett Theological Seminary and D. Min from Central Christian University.

In his early 20's, two events occurred in Bp. Russ' life that sparked his love for convergence. The first occurred while he was alone during an intense time of prayer asking God to empower him to live a life worthy of his calling. As he was praying, he was filled with the overwhelming presence of Christ. Suddenly he found his words no longer sounded like English! At this, he recalls, "My intimacy with Christ exploded." This experience led him to embrace the Charismatic element of the Church. 

The second event occurred while Bp Russ was attending a Sacramental worship service. He was already familiar with the liturgy and the Lord's Supper but only as rituals to be practiced. This day, however, they took on new significance as he again encountered the real and powerful presence of Christ in the sacraments of confession, absolution, and receiving of the bread and wine during the Lord's Supper. He found himself getting up early on Sunday mornings to attend a sacramental service before preaching at his own church "Just to hear the comforting words of the priest speaking God's forgiveness over me." It was these spiritual experiences that gave rise to Bp. Russ' love of convergence and his passion to see the members of the Evangelical, Charismatic and Sacramental traditions work together instead of against each other. One of his favorite sayings is, "After all, we do work for the same Boss!"

God has gifted Bp Russ with the ability to find common ground and celebrate differences. He is able to create relationships that cut across lines of conflict between people and groups and restore harmony and reconciliation where there had previously been disunity and division. He is able to meet people where they are and take them to the next step God has for them. Understanding that this ability is a gift of God, he is quick to acknowledge that "Everything I am and ever hope to be is found only in Christ."

Bishop Russ is many things to many people; but at his core, he is a lover of Christ, a lover of people, and he loves to bring the two together! Bishop Russ lives in Tallahassee, Florida with his wife, Laurelyn, who is ordained with the EEC and his partner in life and ministry.

Meet Our Archbishop's Council

Council members are persons of integrity who are submitted to Christ and accountable to each other.

Dr Sterling Lands II


Dr Sterling Lands II

Chief Operating Officer

Archbishop's Council

Dr. Henry Roberts


Dr. Henry Roberts

Coadjutor and Commission of Higher Education

Archbishop's Council

Owen McGregor


Owen McGregor

South Africa - Archbishop's Council

Dan Masake


Dan Masake

Kenya - Archbishop's Council

Robert Wilson


Robert Wilson

Archbishop's Council

Abraham Sibiya


Abraham Sibiya

South Africa - Archbishop's Council

Page Brooks


Page Brooks

Ecumenical Representative to the Archbishop's Council

Andrew Miller


Andrew Miller

Order of the Undivided Heart

Archbishop's Council

Don Jones


Don Jones

Archbishop's Council