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About Us: Portfolio
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The Evangelical Episcopal Communion has its roots in the great Charismatic Renewal that swept the earth during the 1960’s and 70’s. During that time, God began to bring people of different Christian backgrounds, traditions and cultures together through a common experience of encountering the Holy Spirit.  Individuals, as well as whole church groups, which had previously been at odds with one another were now able to find unity and develop an appreciation for the diverse traditions and worship styles within the Christian Church universal.


On five different continents over 5,000 churches were either planted or found their home within the Province of St. Peter.  It was also during this period that a new conviction gripped our hearts concerning the need for racial reconciliation and experiencing the reality of the justice of God throughout the nations. Leaders in the African-American Church became Archbishops within our Province.   Together we have become passionate about not only drawing the best from the great traditions of the church but also that we are truly one in Christ and long to see the fullness of that reality manifest in the church and the world. 

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